Monday 7 April 2014

Character Writing

Danny Jr

Danny Jr, my cousin, has the first impression of a rough, strong man. But he’s not like that at all. ok, he is strong and sometimes likes to roll around and play rough, but he has a gentle character and a good heart.

I haven’t seen him often, maybe 2-3 times, but I can vividly remember one very special day I spent with Danny. That day he took me for a ride around the neighborhood on his motorbike. I remember Danny driving around every sharp corner at such a speed I could have touched the ground with ease.

Danny makes of interesting appearance. Perhaps it’s the way he stands like a boulder, or perhaps it’s his kind face and big, strong hands. He walks with strides rather than steps and can easily be described as ‘A fine, strong gent with the strength of ten men.’ He’s the exact figure of his father, Danny (funny thing, having and uncle and a cousin with exactly the same name!) who also has the posture of a fierce lion but a heart so kind that you cheer up just by looking at his gentle smile.

Danny now lives in France, in a house of his own. We visit him sometimes when we go on a holiday. Surprisingly, regardless of the fact he’s a wild animal, he has an organised home that is so clean there is a million times you reflecting off every surface. Danny is a really interesting character, you can always count on him to be your friend.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this character description, Milou. It is so detailed!
